AirCreds Legend
Take a look at the categories here for a breakdown of the available actions, and their corresponding AirCred values, for each of our five categories.
- Ride the bus – 3 AirCreds
- Ride public transit – 3 AirCreds
- Walk – 3 AirCreds
- Skateboard / Scooter – 3 AirCreds
- Bike – 3 AirCreds
- Carpool – 3 AirCreds
- Turn car off while waiting in line (no idling) – 2 AirCreds
- Teach children about clean air – 3 AirCreds
- Educate at a community event – 3 AirCreds
- Present on air quality to a class – 3 AirCreds
- Write an article about clean air – 3 AirCreds
- Create clean air art – 3 AirCreds
- Submit a Sustainable Selfie – 2 AirCreds
- Post about clean air on social media – 1 AirCreds
- Start your own garden – 3 AirCreds
- Help with school garden – 2 AirCreds
- Buy locally-grown food – 2 AirCreds
- Plant a tree – 3 AirCreds
- Recycle – 2 AirCreds
- Reuse – 2 AirCreds
- Compost – 2 AirCreds
- Turn off water while brushing teeth – 1 AirCred
- Turn off lights – 1 AirCred
- Unplug electronics – 1 AirCred
- Volunteer with an environmental organization – 3 AirCreds
- Attend a community meeting to advocate for clean air – 3 AirCreds
- Write a letter to a policymaker – 3 AirCreds